Publicize all public MJCBY events in compelling format on website
Do not publicize internal MJCBY events on public website
Current Situation
All calendar data is entered into Google calendar
Automatic "aggregator" runs each night to copy Google calendar into WordPress Events
Google calendar is displayed on public site from menu: Calendar > Full Calendar
WP Events are displayed as a full page on public site from menu: Calendar > Events and on homepage, below the slide carousel
Issues w/ Current Situation
Google calendar not designed to be a "promotional" platform
Calendar entries were not created with the intention of being rich: inconsistent naming conventions, incomplete event data
There are MANY events that are mentioned in the monthly Newsletter and bi-weekly e-blasts that are not on the calendar
There is a concern about the automatic aggregator making mistakes in importing changed events: overwriting any manually entered information in Events or not deleting existing events if they are deleted in the calendar
Proposed Approach
Decouple the Google calendar from WP Events
Google calendar would continue to be used for internal events only and only be available through the Members' section
WP Events would be entered directly through WP
A new event-data-form would be created and available online for anyone to send a request to create an event; the form would collect standard data: What, when, where, point of contact & email, additional description, other - TBD - and be sent to the person who will create the WP Event
Neda (or a fill-in, if she is on PTO) will be the only person who creates Google calendar events
For the time being, Bob Small & Amy Brunswick will manage the WP Events until it becomes systematic, at which point we will re-evaluate who performs this role
Unresolved Questions
What information about upcoming events should be published in the monthly newsletter?
What information about upcoming events should be published in the bi-weekly e-blast?
Should we publish event notices on our Facebook and Instagram accounts?